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Comparison of how profitable business /Simulation to calculate profitability

1. Parking space in Land of 400 ㎡
There is no Mechanical parking or Building parking

  1. Used land space: 400 ㎡ (20m × 20m)
  2. Total Investment: 0
  3. Parking capacity: 12 cars
  4. Monthly parking charge: 350 US$
  5. Occupancy rate of the system: 100 %
  6. The annual income is: 50,400 US$ / year (350$ × 12car × 12months =50,400US$)
  7. It has been recovered in: 0 months (in hourly charge)
  8. It has been recovered in: 0 months (in monthly charge)(350US$/month)
  9. The land cost: 5,000 US$ / sq.m
  10. How much earn money per sq.m /year : 126 US$ /sq.m /year

2. Land of 400 ㎡…… with Round Automated Parking System

  1. Used land space: 400 ㎡ (20m diameter:314 ㎡) → Other 86㎡ use for green spaces
  2. Total Investment: 3.0 million US$
  3. Parking capacity: 120 cars
  4. Hourly parking charge: 5 $
  5. Occupancy rate of the system: 33% (It was calculated from an actual case)
  6. The annual income is: 1,680,000 US$ / year (ROI=56%)
  7. It has been recovered in: 22 months (in hourly charge)
  8. It has been recovered in: 72 months (in monthly charge)(350 US$ /month)
  9. The land cost: 5,000US$ /sq.m
  10. How much earn money per sq.m /year : 4,200 US$ /sq.m /year
    • * About 33.3 times profit margin compared with 155$ (4,200 /126=33.3)
    • * The amount of earnings after 10 years,
    • No Mechanical; 504,000$ → With Automated; 16,800,000$
    • → Difference 16,296,000$ (about 16million$)

3. Parking space in Land of 1,000 ㎡
…with Self Driving /Building Parking (We say Conventional Parking)

  1. Used land space: 1,000 ㎡ (20m × 50m) → with 4floor, will be 4,000sq.m
  2. Total Investment: 2.4 million US$ (Building cost: 600 US$ / in Japan)
  3. Parking capacity: 120 cars (It needs (usually calculated) 35-40sq.m /car)
  4. Hourly parking charge: 5 $
  5. Occupancy rate of the system: 33% (It was calculated from an actual case)
  6. The annual income is: 1,680,000 US$ / year (ROI=58%)
  7. It has been recovered in: 17 months (in hourly charge)
  8. It has been recovered in: 57 months (in monthly charge)(350 US$ /month)
  9. The land cost: 5,000US$ /sq.m
  10. How much earn money per sq.m /year : 1,680 US$ /sq.m /year

4. Land of 1,000 ㎡…… with Round Automated Parking System

  1. Used land space: 800 ㎡ (40m × 20m)
  2. Total Investment: 6.0 million US$ (3.0million/system, 3.0 × 2systems=6.0million)
  3. Parking capacity: 240 cars (10car each floor, 12floors, 120cars/system)
  4. Hourly parking charge: 5 $
  5. Occupancy rate of the system: 33% (It was calculated from an actual case)
  6. The annual income is: 3,360,000 US$ / year (ROI=56%)
  7. It has been recovered in: 22 months (in hourly charge)
  8. It has been recovered in: 72 months (in monthly charge)(350 US$ /month)
  9. The land cost: 5,000US$ /sq.m
  10. How much earn money per sq.m /year: 4,200 US$ /sq.m /year
    • * About 2.5 times profit margin compared with 1,680$ (4,200/1,680-=2.5)
    • * The amount of earnings after 10 years,
    • With Self Driving; 16.8m$ → With Automated; 33.6m$
    • → Difference 16,800,000$ (about 16.8million$)
  11. And more,
    1,000sq.m – 800sq.m = 200sq.m can be use other purpose. (Green Spaces, Trees)
    200sq.m x 5,000 US$ = 1,000,000 US$(1million$) Saving the initial cost !!